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Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010

Residency Part 3- The Birdman

Petra Kodym, 2010, The Birdman, Mixed Media Object,
Birdskull, Wood, Efaplast, Feather, Acrylic, Height/Length of Figure 20cm

P.P. presents one of Petra Kodym´s Objects, "The Birdman", produced during the Artist Residency in Greece

Montag, 7. Juni 2010

Residency Part 2

Today P.P. shows you the latest works of Petra Kodym, the artists that currently has a residency in Greece.

Glitter Anita (found dead), Petra Kodym, 2010, Mixed Media Object, Cardboard, Stone, Wood, Acrylic, other material, 13 x 18,5 x 4 cm

Unconscious Beach Drawings, Petra Kodym, 2010, 9 drawings à 10 x 10 cm, Pencil, Marker on Paper

Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2010

P.P.Queen presents Petra Kodyms Artist Residency

Petra Kodym, an Austrian Visual Artist, is in Crete, Greece for a two months Artist Residency. P.P.Queen would like to present you some of the newest works of Petra Kodym, that she created during the first days of her residency.

Petra Kodym, 2010, "Féte de J", Cardboard, Wood, Stone, Acrylic, Paper,

Base 11 cm O, h 8 cm, Figure h 15 cm

Dienstag, 13. April 2010

Invisible brut

A Work by Helmut Pum

A Work by Eli Kumpfhuber

Das Projekt:
Von 6. - 9.4.2010 erarbeiten 10 Teilnehmer eine Ausstellung zum Thema Wahrnehmung.
Gearbeitet wird mit Schwarzlichtfarbe, die nur durch spezieller Beleuchtung sichtbar wird.
In der angrenzenden Malschule und im kleinen Ausstellungsraum werden Bilder der Künstler
ausgestellt. Im großen Galerieraum wird die Schwarzlichtmalerei präsentiert.
Die Künstler:
Manfred Hiebl.Eli Kumpfhuber.Christian Rebhan.Helmut Pum
Sophie Beisskammer.Gertraud Gruber.Ferdinand Reisenbichler
Sigrid Reingruber.Margarethe Bamberger.Christoph Penninger
So.11.4./ Fr.16.4./Sa.17.4./So.18.4. jew. von 10 - 12Uhr

An Art Brut Project about perception. The participating artists have been elaborating the exhibition works in 4 days in the gallery rooms. The pictures have been painted with a special color, so you can only see it in darkness. A magical experience.

Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010

Studio pet

P.P. doesn´t have a clue about the frequent appearance of butterflies in her life. Very mysterious! This is Schmetti, the studio pet of the Queen, trying to get through the window. Schmetti has spent the winter in P.P.s royal chambers. Now Schmetti is getting a little weak despite all effords to feed him or her. The peacock butterfly is sleeping almost all day long, only sometimes taking a sip of mineral water with sugar...

P.P. now single mother!


Three days ago P.P.Queen became a mother of sweet little Falti. One day she found a little green caterpillar in her broccoli, P.P. was curious what kind of creature this green thing might become.

This is how Falti looked like as a caterpillar (Photo by Walter Mueller)
So she put it in a jar together with some of the broccoli and two days later and after the caterpillar began to cocoon, green caterpillar was a black something. The Queen was wating and waiting and after about two weeks Falti came to see the light of day.

Here you can see Falti after his birth with his cocoon. P.P. thinks that she now might be the proud mother of an Autograph gamma moth. Right now Falti is sitting in the Queens bedroom waiting for springtime to get some good sweet nectar. In the meantime she is trying to find the right food for little Mothyboy.

David Jerrett

seconds before a great transformation
Vienna 2007, by David Jerrett

Seconds before a great transformation is one of P.P.s favourite photographs by David Jerrett.

Also check out David Jerretts Website to see more work